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    General Dentistry
    There are several reasons why a patient may need a teeth extraction procedure, including health issues such as decay, trauma, cysts and tumours. And what is this procedure, you ask? Tooth extraction is the most common surgery performed in the world. It is a surgical procedure that removes a tooth from its socket in the oral cavity.
    So, do you need a quick, pain-free and affordable teeth extraction procedure in Liverpool, NSW? Then book your appointment today at Dentists and Dentures. Whether you have a broken tooth, need it extracted for your root canal treatment or simply want to get rid of an impacted wisdom tooth, our dentists will be able to help you.

    A Team of Professional Dentists at Our Dental Clinic!

    If you are looking for a dentist who can extract your teeth without any fault, Dentists and Dentures is the place to go. Our qualified dentists are well-trained and can perform teeth extractions in Liverpool without any pain or complications. Whether you’re an emergency patient or a routine patient, our dentists are always ready to help. Not only that, but our friendly staff will make your visit as easy-going as possible so that you don’t have to spend any more time in pain than necessary. Our services are on par with some of the best dentistry facilities nationwide so give us a call if you want to know more about what we offer you.

    Simple, Pain-free and Quick Dental Extraction

    Tooth extraction has been a part of dentistry for centuries. It is often attended to with little pain and discomfort, but when it does happen, it's important that you visit a reliable dentist. This way, you don't have to worry about the pain and discomfort as much. At Dentists and Dentures, our tooth extraction procedure is simple, pain-free and quick.
    • First, our dentists will numb the area with local anaesthesia.
    • Then, they will use a scaler to remove all of the decay and plaque from your tooth.
    • After that, a few quick hand instruments are used to take out the tooth itself.
    • And once this is done, our dentists will apply a temporary filling to cover up the bare spot while the tooth is replaced by a permanent one.

    If you need more detailed information about our teeth extraction procedure in Liverpool, call us now! Team Dentists and Dentures will be waiting for your call. We can also help you with root canal treatment, emergency dental care, dental implants, dentures, etc.
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      Existing X-Rays

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      Business Hours
      Monday to Friday – 9 am to 5 pm
      Saturday – 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
      Sunday – Close